Every month, generous parishioners at St. Max sponsor a food drive for local charities, helping to stock the emergency food cupboards in our area. May’s drive will be in conjunction with the yearly Manna Canned Food Collection of the Archdiocese. Food will still go to our local charity, at St. Agnes Day Room.
Many struggling families and individuals turn to the emergency food cupboards for support during times of crisis. Their lives are blessed by the generosity of the faithful of our parish. Items in greatest need are beef stew, tuna fish, fruit, vegetables, pasta, soups and baked beans.
Manna Bags will be distributed at all of our Masses on the weekend of April 28-29, 2018.Kindly return your filled Manna Bags on May 5th & 6th, 2018 and they will be taken to the St. Agnes Day Room. We thank you for your generosity.
Jesus, many times throughout Your life You fed hungry people and You called others to help. You called the young child with the loaves and fishes to share his gifts. You call each one of us today. Open our eyes to see the needs of others. Open our hearts to hear Your call to share. Open our hearts to welcome all people to the table of love. Amen.