Dear Parishioners,
Please note below a change in our schedule of Masses & Confession for all Saturdays throughout the year. In parishes where the Vigil Mass of Sunday was moved to 4:00pm, Mass attendance has increased. This is my sincere hope. Parishes that have Confessions on Saturday mornings have reported an increase in the celebration of this Sacrament. In order to keep time open for funerals it is necessary to change the Saturday morning Mass to 8:00am. Confessions will be 8:30 - 9:30am. I hope this schedule will prove helpful to you in the ongoing practice of our faith. This schedule will become effective on Saturday, November 25, 2017.
Msgr. Carroll
New SATURDAY Schedule of Masses & Confession
Effective Saturday, November 25, 2017
SATURDAY 8:00AM Saturday Daily Mass
8:30 - 9:30AM Confessions
4:00PM Vigil Mass