Manna Bags will be distributed at all our Masses on the weekend of April 27-28, 2019. Kindly return your filled Manna Bags by Sunday, May 5, 2019. Canned food items in greatest need are: beef stew, tuna fish, fruit, vegetables, pasta, soups, and pork & beans. If you are not able to bring a filled bag, feel free to donate online instead: Thank you for reaching out to people in emergency situations.
Please join the Knights of Columbus for the annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held on Saturday, April 20th beginning PROMPTLY at 12:00 noon, on the hillside next to the St. Max Rectory. This Saint Maximilian Kolbe tradition is open to all parish children 10 years and under. There will be separate egg hunt sections for different age groups. This event will be held rain or shine!
Join us Sunday, February 24th, as we begin a new experience, Catholic Alpha for Teens. Students in grades 8-12 will explore timeless questions about life, faith and God and discover how these issues relate to their lives as they discuss with their friends and leaders. Meetings every Sunday through April in the Rectory basement (Maximilian Room) from 6:30 - 8:00 pm, and include a delicious dinner. All students and their friends in grades 8-12 are most welcome! Learn more at and by contacting Lisa Lister, [email protected].
THANK YOU!! All Giving Tree gifts have been delivered to our local charities and accepted with gracious smiles. Thank you to all for your overwhelming generosity in this beautiful season of giving. May the Christ Child bless you and your families for this kindness done in His name for families in need.
Come and join the St. Max community in this annual family event! Favorites back this year include crafts for kids, Upscale Bake Sale, Book Baskets, White Elephant, Vendors and Kolbe Cafe. Wreath and Poinsettia Pre-sale ends November 26th. Silent Auction; Pictures with Santa: 9:00am-11:30am; Silent Auction: 10:00am-2:00pm; Face Painting: 9:30am-1:00pm and Games in the Gym: 9:00am-2:00pm....
A Kolbe Christmas White Elephant is in need of Housewares, Toys, Art and other unique items. Drop off dates (before and after Mass) in the trailer across from the Rectory: Saturday, November 3rd & Sunday, November 4th and Saturday, November 17th & Sunday, November 18th. Contact Sherrie Starrantino for alternative drop off times: [email protected]
Every month, generous parishioners at St. Max sponsor a food drive for local charities, helping to stock the emergency food cupboards in our area. May’s drive will be in conjunction with the yearly Manna Canned Food Collection of the Archdiocese. Food will still go to our local charity, at St. Agnes Day Room. Many struggling families and individuals turn to the emergency food cupboards for support during times of crisis. Their lives are blessed by the generosity of the faithful of our parish. Items in greatest need are beef stew, tuna fish, fruit, vegetables, pasta, soups and baked beans. Manna Bags will be distributed at all of our Masses on the weekend of April 28-29, 2018. Kindly return your filled Manna Bags on May 5th & 6th, 2018 and they will be taken to the St. Agnes Day Room. We thank you for your generosity.
Dear Parishioners, Please note below a change in our schedule of Masses & Confession for all Saturdays throughout the year. In parishes where the Vigil Mass of Sunday was moved to 4:00pm, Mass attendance has increased. This is my sincere hope. Parishes that have Confessions on Saturday mornings have reported an increase in the celebration of this Sacrament. In order to keep time open for funerals it is necessary to change the Saturday morning Mass to 8:00am. Confessions will be 8:30 - 9:30am. I hope this schedule will prove helpful to you in the ongoing practice of our faith. This schedule will become effective on Saturday, November 25, 2017. Msgr. Carroll