We welcome our families to share your gifts with your parish community. Your donations to the Parish enables Saint Max to carry on its missions of Discipleship, Formation, Worship, and Service to our Parish Community and the local community.
For ways to give electronically, St. Max offers two options. The first choice is to have your contributions received either Weekly or Monthly in the form of Direct Debit from your bank account. The AUTHORIZATION FOR DIRECT DEBIT OF WEEKLY OR MONTHLY CONTRIBUTIONS FORM is found on the St. Max Website. You can complete this form and submit it to the Business Manager, Sue Barbella at [email protected]. This authorization will remain in effect until YOU initiate the required stop action.
The second option for e-giving is through Parish Giving, a web-based portal which enables you to make contributions securely online. This convenience allows you a choice of credit card or bank transfer, as well as the ability to choose date and frequency of contributions. It also provides for the ability to make 1-time donations/payments. Another benefit of using e-giving reduces administrative costs and provides for sustained giving to support the Parish. To create or login to your Parish Giving account, please click on the Parish Giving logo below. Once again, we welcome you to Saint Max on-line giving and thank you so much for your generosity!
The gifts of your time and talent also support our Parish School, PREP program, RCIA, and many ministries, clubs, and organizations including Liturgical Ministries (choirs, Cantors, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, and Sacristans et al), Walking with Purpose, several Bible Study groups, the Knights of Columbus, Adoration, scouts, and many other wonderful groups who enrich the parish. We thank you for supporting the parish in all you do!